Tramas+ is back at Gran Via 2!

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Tramas+ is back at Gran Via 2!

We are pleased to announce that Tramas+, the store specialized in home products, is back at Gran Via 2 to offer you the latest trends in decoration and home items.

With a renewed approach and a wide variety of quality products, Tramas+ is once again a reference for those looking to add a unique and sophisticated touch to their spaces.

You can find the store on the ground floor, between Time Road and Mayoral. Don’t miss the chance to discover their new collections and take advantage of all the new offerings they bring to make your home a special place. We look forward to seeing you at Gran Via 2!

Llar, Decoració i Regals
  • dilluns, dimarts, dimecres, dijous, divendres, dissabte de 09:30 a 21:00
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