Stradivarius reopens in Gran Via 2 with a renovated space and more selection

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Stradivarius reopens in Gran Via 2 with a renovated space and more selection

Stradivarius reopens in Gran Via 2 with a renovated space and more selection

The Stradivarius store at Gran Via 2 is reopening with a completely refreshed look. Now featuring a more spacious and spectacular design, it offers a wider selection of collections and an enhanced shopping experience. A must-visit for fashion lovers, at its usual location on the ground floor, next to Geox and Santagloria.

Moda Dona
  • 93 259 02 08
  • dilluns, dimarts, dimecres, dijous, divendres, dissabte de 09:30 a 21:00
  • Baixa
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