10% discount on all items from the menu

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10% discount on all items from the menu

  • 10% discount on all items from the menu.

Talking about us means talking about sandwiches. Since 1991, when we opened our first restaurant, and up to today, the sandwich has been our cherished child. There are many other companies where you can find sandwiches, yes, but we are the only ones who understand the sandwich as our identity in itself and as the fundamental pillar of our brand.

The sandwich is something very much ours and very much from here, which is why we have been giving it the prominence it deserves for 30 years now. Our sandwich is different and unique. And that's how we wanted to treat it. Like a SANDWICH in uppercase and not like "a" sandwich.

Cafeteries i Restaurants
  • 93 259 00 84
  • dilluns, dimarts, dimecres, dijous de 9:30 a 22:30
    divendres, dissabte de 9:30 a 23:00
    diumenge de 10:00 a 22:30
  • Cinemes - Restauració
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